We recommend Murphy`s Oil Soap to clean your floor. Help keep dirt and moisture from being tracked in on your floors by placing mats at all entries. Area rugs in front of sinks and refrigerators are recommended. Slip resistant backings that will not discolor the floor are also recommended. Vacuum and sweep your floor regularly.  Average minimum care is once a week.  Regular use of a good quality dust mop will help to eliminate finer grit and dust particles. These particles act like sandpaper on wood flooring and should be removed regularly.

Floor protectors under heavy furniture will distribute weight and help to reduce the likelihood of indentations. When moving furniture, appliances or other objects which may cause indentations in your floor, we recommend either lifting and carrying the objects, using a furniture dolly, or sliding the objects on a heavy duty sliding pad.

Do not mop floors with water. This could permanently damage your floor. Do not use any of the following products or products similar in nature on your floor: ammonia, powdered all-purpose cleaners, dishwashing detergents, Fantastic, Formula 409, Endust, Pledge, Future, Mop ‘n Glo, or other polishes. Wipe us spills immediately and do not allow water to stand on your floor for any length of time.

Do not walk across your floor in spike or stiletto heeled shoes, in tap shoes or in other shoes with exposed metal pins. Do not allow furniture with hard metal or plastic tips, rollers, or domes to rest on your floor. Pet claws may scratch and/or indent wood floors and should be trimmed and cared for properly.

The performance of a wood floor is greatly affected by the environmental conditions to which it is exposed.  Temperatures of 64-74 degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity levels between 35% and 55% are ideal.  Humidifiers may be used during the drier months to help reduce or eliminate cracks in solid planks which may be caused by excessive drying of wood.  Dehumidifiers and air conditioners may be used to reduce high humidity levels and stabilize interior conditions.

It is important to properly clean and maintain wood floors to prevent substances including, but not limited to, water, food and grease from staining or making the floor slippery. Minerals and/or chemicals in water may cause spots on your floor. These may be removed with a recommended commercial cleaner designated for wood floors.  (White vinegar applied with a soft cloth will often clean these spills just as well).

To repair scratches, purchase a quality touch-up kit for wood floors and follow the directions. For some deep scratches, a light abrasion with 00 steel wool or 320 grit sandpaper may be necessary before using the touch-up kit. Less severe scratches may be repaired by using 00 steel wool and 220 grit sandpaper before using the touch-up kit. It may be necessary to refinish these areas after certain scratches have been repaired in this manner. Repairs can also be made by replacing individual planks.

There are many good quality cleaners available for the removal of rubber heel marks, crayon, gum, tar and asphalt.  Read these directions carefully to make sure these products are designated for the type floor finish you have. Pure mineral spirits may help to remove some stubborn stains as well as the recommended commercial cleaners.

Refinishing your floors should be done when necessary by a qualified floor finishing professional.

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